Sunterra Blog

10 Trick-or-Treating Tips

Posted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Trick-or-treating is a time-honored tradition kids look forward to every year. It’s an opportunity for them to show off their costumes and pick up a cauldron full of candy. To make the night even sweeter, pre-plan and take precautions for a safe and fun Halloween.

Dress to Impress (But Safely)

Having a great trick-or-treating experience starts with a great costume. Let your children choose what to be, then make sure the costume is easy to walk in and doesn’t restrict their vision. Pick the right size and hem the costume if it drags on the ground (you don’t want your little munchkin to trip). If your child’s costume involves swords or other pointy objects, choose something made from soft material rather than hard plastic.

To Mask or Not to Mask

Masks can obstruct your child’s vision. A better option is face paint. Test the paint out ahead of time to make sure your child isn’t allergic to it. Wash it off as soon as they get home.

Go In a Group

If you are new to Sunterra, trick-or-treating is a great time to meet the neighbors and make friends. Invite them to join you on the excursion. While the kids knock on doors, you and the neighbors can chat. If your kids are old enough to go without supervision, a group is a great way to have fun and stay safe.

Let There Be Light

Add reflective tape to costumes and treat bags to keep kids safe as they cross streets. Glow sticks and flashlights are also a good idea. Kids love glow sticks. Costumes should be made of light-colored fabric to make kids more visible.

Walk, Don’t Run

Kids get excited while trick-or-treating. Many want to run from house to house. Discourage this as kids are likely to trip and fall. Set a good example by walking carefully on sidewalks and using crosswalks to safely cross the street. Put away cell phones as they can be distracting.

Walk Up to Houses Safely

As your child walks up to a house, make sure they stay away from any open flames. That means staying away from jack o’ lanterns if they have candles. If you have young children and the decorations are particularly spooky, go with them. A scared child could run and fall down.

Dinner Before Treats

A healthy dinner before the big event will ensure kids won’t be digging into their candy bags as they walk. Once they get home, it will be easier to keep them from gorging on treats.

Inspect Their Treats

Candy tampering is extremely rare, but you still want to inspect the treats your kids receive. Toss homemade treats, open candy packages and items your child may be allergic to.

Keep Candy in a Special Place

Once the candy is inspected, put the treat bag some place where kids can’t easily access it. Dole it out a few pieces at a time. Your children’s teeth and stomach will thank you.

On the Other Side of the Door

If you’ve been tasked with handing out treats, keep candies with nuts separate from other candies. Many children are highly allergic to peanuts and may have trouble if wrapped candies are in the same bowl. Better yet, pass out small toys instead of candy. Your lawn and door decorations should be welcoming not scary. While most kids enjoy the spooky seasons, some are easily scared.