Sunterra Blog

Go Big in a Small Space

Posted on Monday, October 16, 2023

Small spaces present a unique and exciting challenge for homeowners. Whether you’ve downsized to a smaller home or just want to make the most of your tiniest bedroom,

the key to making the most of your space is clever design. Here are some tips to help you go big in a small space.

Embrace Open Floor Plans

Open floor plans are great no matter what size home you have, but in smaller homes, they are essential. Removing non-essential walls can create a sense of spaciousness and flow between rooms. It allows light to travel freely, making the space feel more expansive. All Sunterra builders offer open floor plans you just need to choose the size that is right for you.

Let the Sunshine In

Natural light chases away the shadows that can make a room feel smaller. Lots of oversized windows can make any space feel larger. Use sheer curtains or blinds to let in as much light as possible.

Let’s Reflect

To make the most of the natural light flooding your room, install reflective surfaces and mirrors. Mirrors reflect light and create the illusion of depth. High-shine materials like glossy tiles reflect light in a similar manner making for a generally airer space. Talk to your builder’s design center consultant about incorporating them into your kitchen and bathroom.

It Doesn’t Have to Be White

Traditionally, white paint is used to make small spaces seem larger, but any neutral or light color palette will open up a room. Light grays, soft greens and light blues work well in small spaces and can even improve your mood. If your ceiling is low, try painting it one or two shades lighter than the walls. It will make the ceiling look taller.

Go Vertical

Fully utilize vertical space. Wall-mounted shelves, tall bookcases and high storage units can take advantage of height, leaving more floor space available. Vertical design elements also draw the eye upward, making your space feel larger.

Choose the Right Furniture

Choose furniture that is appropriately scaled for the space. Oversized furniture can make a room feel smaller. However, too much small furniture can make a room feel cluttered. Furniture with exposed legs creates a sense of openness. Sofas, chairs and tables with slender legs can make your room feel less crowded compared to pieces that sit directly on the floor.

More Than One Function

When space is at a premium, every piece of furniture should earn its keep. Look for pieces that serve multiple functions, such as a sofa bed, a dining table with storage or a coffee table that doubles as a desk. This way, you can maximize utility without sacrificing style.

Keep the Clutter Down

Clutter is the biggest offender when it comes to making a space feel small. Regularly declutter your home. Invest in clever storage solutions like under-bed drawers, floating shelves and built-in cabinets so everything in the room has a place. Move furniture out from walkways to open up the space.

Purchase a Home in Sunterra

Sunterra builders are experts at designing a home that enhance your lifestyle no matter what size your family needs. Visit our models and choose your forever home today.